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Friday, December 6, 2013

Giftsplosion 2013: Gift of the Little Seed

Great things often come in small packages.... like seeds!
Well, here comes another little mini-review of a brand new gift! Err... sorta... we're a little late on entries, sorry! Anyway, let's get started here! The gift this article is about is none other then the Gift of the Little Seed. Since it's already handed out, it was gotten by buying the little seed, which came out at the beginning of the year and morphed into different hats each month. Since buying the plant in other stages but it's first form didn't count toward the gift, anyone who isn't an original owner of the Little Seed will have to buy the gift for 1,500 Robux if they want the gift. Ouch.

As for our predictions, I predict that this will be some tree-related item. Since this is really about a plant that grew over the year, it has to be something green, right? It wouldn't really make sense otherwise!

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