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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Exploring Games: Multi Minigames

It's action time, once again! Participate in many different kinds of minigames! Sam3620(Asleum)'s Multi Minigames allows hours of entertainment!

 Multi Minigames is probably what you think it is. A minigames place. There is a variety of minigames to play, and are randomly chosen by the game. The games listed on the bottom of the page are (in order) Arena, Conquest, Eruption, Hide & Seek, Rocket Arena, and Treasure River. Though, those aren't the only ones to play, there are plenty more!

When you win games, on a team or not, you win points. Those points                                                           can be spent at the game's shop! Sweet!

Alright, we've given a summary on the game, now you know what time it is! Rating time!

- Lots of different games to play
- Lots of shop items (for people who like to 100%)
- Well-balanced solo and team games
- No flaws in the scripting

For once, I can't legitimately find one!

Concept: 5/10 (done a lot, but some of the minigames are creative!)
Building: 8/10 (the lobby is fantastically built!)
Scripting: 10/10 (no glitches found.)

Final Rating: 6/10

This game is better then average, so it's definitely worth a try! Try it for yourself, you won't regret it!



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