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Friday, September 27, 2013

Exploring Games - Sinking Ship

You're on a ship, relaxing. You're on a cruise for your birthday, and one day... the ship is sinking! You are at risk, and so are the lives of others! That's what  Sinking Ship by kni0002 is all about.

It's a lot like TheAmazeman's ROBLOX Titanic, but it also has it's differences as well. If you go in the water, you can swim for a little while. But don't stay in it for too long -- Or you'll drown! The way to win this game is to just not die, to put it in simplest terms. But that basic goal is enough to make the whole game a heart-pumping experience!
The ship is sinking! What must we do?
To escape, it's simple. You need to work your way to the sides of the ship, and release the lifeboats hanging over the sides. To make this game easy, you really only need to jump off the sides as quick as you can and locate the nearest boat before you drown... you better hope that ends out well! I usually like to make it a challenge and race to the lifeboats a few seconds after the boat regenerates. Now, there's a challenge for you! Or, I'll just have a casual swim in the ocean. I mean, it's nothing much anyway, is it?

All this danger and destruction sure has me curious. The only downside to this game that I can really find is the fact that you don't really have enough time to explore the ship to it's fullest in one whole round. It's hard to enjoy the buildings in the game when  there's water attempting to drown you, well, that's just me anyway. Whew, all this talking about drowning is making me thirsty. I'll be back with a glass of water.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Exploring Games: Personal Server Edition - "Free Build! Great Wall of China"

I visit the game, and I seem to spawn on top of what looks like to be a wall. Almost a second after I have been spawned into the game, I get teleported to a small home that appears to be far away from the central area of the place, the wall.

Look at that view!
The house was small, and homey. It was certainly a nice little structure, and really added to the "feel" of the place, which always comments on a place positively. Like I do on any personal building server, I like to explore first, to know what environment I will be exploring in. This game happened to use the Terrain Generation tool from ROBLOX Studio 2013, a tool I believe is quite underrated and should be used more.

Anyway, I jumped off the little cliff in which the house was sitting on, and went to explore the place a little more. I mean, this place has already caught my eye from the first time I saw it on the personal servers page, so I thought I may as well explore it fully instead of hesitating to do so. A few steps later, I ran into a small stone-like town, along with the wall, towering above everything. Stairs led to the top, where the spawn locations were standing. Nothing much was found in the game other then these structures, which were quite simple and well-built in my personal opinion.

Go on, check this place out for yourself! (It may be developed a bit more from the time this blog was made.)